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Terms and Conditions:



The Company offers travel-related services and accommodations, including the following:

  • Concierge Services

  • Trip planning, research, booking, and management

  • Consultation services


​The Travel Agency will offer the above-listed services and accommodations to business and consumer clients as part of travel packages pursuant to the terms of this travel agency agreement.

In return, the client/company agrees to pay the Travel Agency commissions based on actual sales.


Travel Agency Responsibilities

The Travel Agency will offer items listed in this agreement to businesses and consumers as part of travel packages.

The Travel Agency agrees to offer such items at prices approved by the client/company without exception.

The Travel Agency agrees to report all sales to the client/company on a weekly basis or if any changes are made that may affect the trip or the consumer/company.

Payment & Non-Refundable Policy
All payments must be paid in accordance to the agreement on time at the time of invoice. The Concierge Trip Fee is non-refundable and covers the time spent on research, planning, and consulting once the contract has been signed.
There are no exceptions to the non-refundable policy.



The Travel Agency, Travel with Faith, agrees to provide the client or company with an up-to-date invoice containing all reservations or tours reserved by the Agency.

Any and all terminated bookings shall be provided to the client/company in a clear and concise invoice.



The Travel Agent hereby acknowledges they may become aware of information the client/company may deem as confidential including but not limited to:

  • Sensitive information such as ID's, passports, credit card information, etc.

  • Any disabilities

  • Personal beliefs


Any information listed as confidential by the client/company shall remain private and will not be made public by the Travel Agent.

In the event the client/company becomes aware of a breach of any of this agreement’s provisions it will have the right to terminate this travel agency agreement in its entirety.


This Travel Agency Agreement shall remain in effect for the entire length of the agreement, starting at the agreement date to the final day of the trip.

By signing the contract, you agree to all of the terms and conditions set forth above.



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